Add Lines to Images
Use our line tool to highlight or mark anything you want! Simply underline, cross or use lines to shift attention. Use other tools to make ideas even more understandable. And share it all with a simple click!

Here's what you can do with ScreenClip!
Other Markup Tools
Highlight anything with any color you want
Online Collaboration Tools
ScreenClip is your free screenshot capture, image editing and online feedback tool!
Team Screenshot Software
Take screenshots using ScreenClip. Then edit and share them with anyone! You can take screenshots of only a section, the visible part, or even the entire page, so anything can be turned into an online screenshot that you can share with everyone!

Share Your Ideas
When it's easier to show it than to explain it, the ScreenClip visual collaboration platform saves teams and their clients precious time. Give and receive visual feedback online with our collaboration toolset!

Online Annotation Tool
ScreenClip set of annotation tools allows you to annotate websites, images, design work, school assignments, and much much more! Furthermore, you can immediately share your annotation with your team, friends, students or family.

Stay Organized
Create mood boards, make relevant folders and keep your dashboard organized. Everybody loves some structure in their visual library!

Line Tool
There's nothing much here to explain. Select ScreenClip arrow tool from the toolbar and add arrow to your image, screen capture or web screenshot. This means you can:
- Highlight image text
- Underline things
- Make shapes (or use our shape tool for that)
After you made your line, you can select it and change line colors, move the line or drag ends of the line. You can also adjust the line transparency.
Arrow Tool
Arrow tool allows to do all the same things like you could do with a line... but with an arrow! Add arrows to screenshots and images before sharing them online!
Arrow Text Tool
Arrow text tool combines... you guessed it! Arrows and lines. When using arrow and text tool you will be able to add text that will be pointing to something with an arrow. These two elements will be separate after you publish it, so you can move them around, change colors, transparency and fonts.
Yes its exactly like adding a line and then adding the text, just this way you do both at once!
Try ScreenClip for FREE!
ScreenClip is free to use online tool - give it a spin!
Add Arrows to Screenshots
If you need to improve your web capture, screenshot or image with arrows - you need ScreenClip. ScreenClip arrow and line tool allows you to annotate images with lines, shapes and more.
Draw Lines on Images
Looking for a way to add annotations or other information to images? Need lines to express yourself better? Our line too for image editing can do all that and more. Add vector lines to images, before sharing them as a link, HTML or converting it to PNG image file.